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Influence pro-climate policy at the local and national level

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Bold pro-climate policies are needed to drive systemic change and faster decarbonization of our societies. Responsible climate change lobbying is defined by the Global Standard on responsible climate lobbyingas lobbying that aligns with the 1.5 °C ambition, and the ambition of GHG emissions peaking and reducing as soon as possible.

Disruptive lobbying, on the other hand, is one of the main causes of the failure of ambitious climate policies. According to Influence Map's Corporate Climate Policy Footprint report a company’s climate policy footprint, sometimes termed ’Scope 4’ emissions, might have a bigger potential for emission reduction than operations and supply chain engagement. Climate lobbying is therefore an essential element of an ambitious climate strategy, but it is often considered too complex and too out of reach to be put into practice. It doesn't have to be this way! In this module, we will demostrate some practical ways to advocate for climate policies in alignment with the Paris Agreement.

Align - AAA Framework for Climate Policy LeadershipGuide for Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy

Influence pro-climate policy at the local and national level

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