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Engage your value chain in climate action

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What is this action about?

Worldwide, 8 global value chains account for more than 50% of annual greenhouse gas emissions. As a business, choosing to tackle your value chain means that you not only can decarbonize your operations, but also influence your stakeholders, including suppliers. 

We know the struggle – engaging your suppliers in climate action is a complex and time-consuming process. According to a recent WEF report, even leading companies struggle to get the data they need and to set clear targets and standards. Nonetheless, value chain engagement will help you greatly in reducing your Scope 3 footprint, and it is a great way to make use of your sphere of influence. One of the most effective ways to understand the sustainability status of your value chain is to survey your suppliers and track this information on a regular basis. This will allow you not only to gather essential information, but also signal to your suppliers what your priorities are and exert pressure to implement positive changes.

There are 5 basic domains of action to lower the footprint of your supply chain: warehouses, logistics, waste disposal, product design and manufacturing and, finally, capacity building among your suppliers to encourage action, including with their sub-tier suppliers.

This action module provides you with guidelines and ideas to go through this process step by step. For additional insights, please refer to our 7 steps guide to driving action in value chains.

Engage your value chain in climate action

How to achieve this action?


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