Registration open: Join our upcoming course “Strategic Sustainability Roadmapping”
Join our “Sustainability Roadmapping” course

Educate and engage your customers in climate action

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What is this action about?

As an e-commerce company, you have endless potentials to reduce your own emissions caused by production and logistics. While working on that, you can move toward your sphere of influence and invite your customers to take climate action in their lifestyles.

You have a wide network of individuals loyal to your brand, and you have the talent to sell, not only products but also ideas. This puts you in a position to play a significant role in the necessary wide-scale change: encourage people to use green energy, join climate strikes, vote, travel locally, or volunteer their skills - there are so many things that everyone can do, and you can make it as easy as a few clicks.

Educate and engage your customers in climate action

How to achieve this action?

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