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#About Leaders For Climate Action

European VC funds are building community around ESG initiatives


Now the digital avant-garde switches to "Thunberg mode" (DE)


A lot of money for climate protection: German start-up initiative expands into Europe (DE)


A year ago founders joined together in the association “Leaders for Climate Action”. Their goal: to reduce the tech scene's CO2 emissions. Does it work? (DE)


Leaders for Climate Action – The entrepreneurial community that drives climate action


Tech companies take more action to curb climate change


Leaders for Climate Action: Delivery Hero, Zalando and Co. call for CO2 tax (DE)


Fighting the climate crisis: already 500 companies in a German startup initiative (DE)


How Europe’s Small Businesses Are Fighting Climate Change - More initiatives are emerging to help reduce carbon emissions along supply chains

<<A network of European entrepreneurs and investors, LFCA aims to marry ecological success with economic success in the tech industry>>


#Community campaign: Time For Climate Action

On Earth Day 2021, over 200 tech companies teamed up in a joint campaign with the aim to raise awareness about quick and effective climate protecting solutions among millions of people across Europe.


Not just a marketing stunt: startup Earth Day campaigns worth paying attention to


Child's play: This is how Berliners can protect the climate (DE)


Hundreds of tech companies launch appeal for climate action

#VC ler için değişen standartlar: Sürdürülebilirlik Ilkesi

50'den fazla VC lider firma, CO2 emisyonlarını ölçmeye ve bunları azaltmak için aktif olarak çalışmaya kararlılar.


Avrupa'nın önde gelen teknoloji yatırımcılarından bazıları, Start-up anlaşma şartlarına bir 'sürdürülebilirlik ilkesi' ekliyor


İklim koruması: Alman risk sermayedarları sürdürülebilirlik maddesini gündeme aldı (DE)


VC'ler, yeşil Almanya start-up hareketi için sürdürülebilirlik ilkesini kabul etti

<<Germany's leading venture capitalists commit themselves and portfolio companies to sustainability and make a significant contribution to climate protection. A measure that should also set a precedent in other start-up ecosystems and industries>>