Registration open: Join our new course on leadership & change management 👉
Join our leadership course
Eylem Çerçevesi

İşinizi dönüştürün ve değişime öncülük edin

Basitliğe odaklanan eylem çerçevemiz, önemli olan konulara öncelik vermenize yardımcı olur.

Simplicity and speed, grounded in science
Raising the bar on climate leadership

Our guidance is designed around four pillars that align with The 1.5°C Business Playbook, a framework endorsed by leading climate experts and innovative companies.

Step Up
Step Up

Assume climate leadership by publicly committing to the 1.5°C ambition and conducting a comprehensive assessment of your footprint, resources, and influence.


Kendi operasyonlarınızdaki ve değer zincirinizdeki emisyonları "sıfır"a veya mümkün olduğunca yakına indirmek için hemen harekete geçin.


Embed climate considerations into every part of your business, from products and services to long-term strategy.


Use your social, financial, and political power to become an active agent of change.